A shrine to Kenyetta D Nicholson-Stanley, 17, has been created adjacent to the playground of the Edgewood Terrace Apartments, 525 Edgewood Street NE, Washington DC.
At this spot on October 11, 2009, at about 8:20 PM, Ms. Nicholson-Stanley was caught in a cross-fire of gunshots between a security guard and one or two masked assailants. She had been speaking with the guard before the gunfire began.
Police, and several neighbors I spoke to, were unclear who fired the fatal shot.
There is a reward posted for the arrest of the gunmen.
An older neighbor I spoke to said this had been a quiet neighborhood before these apartments were built in the 1970's.
May this innocent young woman and her family have peace.
I revisited and photographed Kenyetta's shrine on May 7, 2010, with Danny Harris of www.peoplesdistrict.com
The memorial has obviously been well kept up and renewed in her memory.
It in the same block as the memorial for Dezmine Perkins, 16, who was slain on May 1, 2010.

Another way to remember Kenyetta has also been created: a memorial fund has been set up for her at her school, Hyde Leadership Public Charter School. Donations should be sent to the Hyde Leadership Public Charter School 101 T St. NE Washington, DC 20002 Attn: Jo Ann Cason, Ed. D. marked as memorial gift for Kenyetta D. Nicholson-Stanley. Hyde works to develop leadership. Also, Kenyetta will be missed by the Beacon House family.
Should anyone see this, I would strongly recommend finding an alternative way to celebrate and remember dear Kenyatta. Hyde School is notorious for using their students deaths to incur additional funds under the guise of donations/scholarship requests. This is outlandish, appropriate, and manipulative and TYPICAL off the Hyde School and its administrators and faculty. Sending love and empathy to Kenyatta’s mother, Sharon and rest of her her family. Signed, concerned alumni and former parents of students that seek #justiceforkenyatta ♥️ and the other 200+ Hyde students who have lost their lives prematurely due to the prolonged child abuse the entire Hyde “Network.
There is an open Hyde School Survivors group on Facebook that anyone is welcome to join. Historically the issues of negligence and abuse that have come out into the open have been in regard to The Hyde School in Bath, Maine and the thankfully now closed Hyde Woodstock campus in Connecticut.
RIP sweet Kenyatta. You will remain in our hearts. #justiceforkenyatta♥️
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