According to press reports, on November 31, 2009 about midnight there was a shooting in the 600 block of Longfellow St NW, Washington, DC, in the Brightwood neighborhood. Edwin Reyes, 23, of the 5500 block 7th St NW, died after transport to a hospital.
Many people appear to have raised a libation in his memory.
R.I.P ED !
I will love you forever baby!
Happy Birthday Baby! I will love you foever!!!!!!!!!!
Oh please. This guy was a thug who terrorized this neighborhood. He dealt drugs and was arrested multiple times.. He got what he deserved.
Nobody cares about this fool his brother is another dumb ass how is gonna end up the same way just a punk street thug
This goes for the previous comments,if you don't give a fuck about Ed then i really don't know why you are commenting on this. Ain't no one worrying about you. Yahh Just fucking hating on the man let him rest in peace fuck you mean. Let's Just hope something like this don't happen to you. Bet you wouldn't say this type of shit infront of his whole family. Don't Start shit if you don't know how to end it. Also i already know who the fuck you is so don't get surprised when i'm infront of your door bitch!
Rip Ed Niggas Hatin And Yu Dead'
See that's the problem today with the youth...no one believes in them...@ anonymous....if you knew Edwin you would not dare say the things you said....I know him and he is not what you are picturing him as...he was a good person with some up and downs with a son he loved dearly. I can speak from knowing all of the young men that lives here on this block and can truly say that if you sat down and talked to them then you would have a different perspective of them....they just need some leadership and not criticism from someone who don't know them.....Almost all the young men 22 and under grew up on this block and this is where they hang all the time where parents can look out the door and see that their child is safe or would you rather them be somewhere else causing havic....make your mind up....don't judge....know them and help them.
Happy Belated birthday! Love and miss you!
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